Category Movies

Movies Recommendations

Best Sports Movies About Racism


Racism and discrimination are the hidden reasons behind most modern-day problems. It erodes communities from within and makes the people who suffer from it feel angry, depressed, and even commit crimes. You can see racism everywhere even in sports. Find…

Best Comedy Movies To Watch on Peacock.

puss in boots
Peacock is a logo of NBC universal TV and it is also one of their streaming services lunched on July 2020, the channel now has more than 22 million paid subscribers and you can watch free Ad-supported movies on it anytime. Find here the best comedy movies to watch on Peacock and have fun.

Best University Movies Out There

university movies

University is a wonderful experience in everybody’s life, it makes you know a wide variety of friends, and make you involved in a lot of activities. It’s also preparing you for a practical life and gives you a chance to…

Disney movies for 2 year old toddlers

Disney movies for 2 year old

Disney movies help children to ignite their imagination, it takes them to a fantasy world full of colors and pretty pictures, it also give them some lessons about love, friendship, and morals. Find here the best Disney movies for 2…

Movies Shot in Amsterdam

movies in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is one of the most beautiful cites in Europe, it is full of historical buildings and canals. Often nicknamed the “Venice of the North” it is also a center for many film production companies and a nice place to shoot movies. Find…

Best History Movies for Families

best history movies for families
Historical movies are an entertaining way to understand the past and learn from it to improve our personality, here is the best history movies for families you can enjoy with your kids and never be bored

Best Biography Movies of Businessman

Are you a fan of people like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg? Find here the best biography movies of businessman that will encourage you to look at your life from a different perspective and reevaluate it

Best Grandparent Movies to Watch Now

Grandparent movies

grandparent movies can bring a feeling of nostalgia to your heart. A lot of people have fond memories of their grandparents’ home, where they could find unconditional love & care, the smell of feasts, and all kinds of joy. Below,…